Try the Y

See “Y” you belong.

Learn about the difference the Y can make in your life! Try the Y for FREE! Be our guest and enjoy fun and fitness for the whole family at the YMCA of Topeka by completing the form below to receive your FREE day pass! Experience the benefits and community of membership at the YMCA.

The Y is more than just a gym, the Y is a community that can help you become healthier physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Enjoy programs and amenities including:

  • Land and aquatic exercise classes
  • Indoor pool with water slide and hot tub/spa
  • Indoor elevated walking track
  • Basketball gym with provisions for basketball, volleyball, pickleball, and more
  • Free weights and training machines
  • Cardio machines including treadmills, ellipticals, stair climbers, and bicycles
  • Mens and womens locker rooms with showers
  • Outdoor sports fields

Try the Y